The Localhost installation setup is a faster
way to use the DTaaS software. You might want to consider the localhost
option before using only the package.
To host DTaaS client website on your server, follow these steps:
Download the from the
releases page.
Inside the DTaaS-client directory, there is site directory.
The site directory contains all the optimized
static files that are ready for deployment.
Setup the oauth application on gitlab instance.
See the instructions in authorization page for completing this task.
Locate the file site/env.js and replace the example values to
match your infrastructure.
The constructed links will be
See the definitions below:
if(typeofwindow!=='undefined'){window.env={REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT:"prod | dev",REACT_APP_URL:"URL for the gateway",REACT_APP_URL_BASENAME:"Base URL for the client website"(optional),REACT_APP_URL_DTLINK:"Endpoint for the Digital Twin",REACT_APP_URL_LIBLINK:"Endpoint for the Library Assets",REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VNCDESKTOP:"Endpoint for the VNC Desktop link",REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VSCODE:"Endpoint for the VS Code link",REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERLAB:"Endpoint for the Jupyter Lab link",REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERNOTEBOOK:"Endpoint for the Jupyter Notebook link",REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID:'AppID genereated by the gitlab OAuth provider',REACT_APP_AUTH_AUTHORITY:'URL of the private gitlab instance',REACT_APP_REDIRECT_URI:'URL of the homepage for the logged in users of the website',REACT_APP_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI:'URL of the homepage for the anonymous users of the website',REACT_APP_GITLAB_SCOPES:'OAuth scopes. These should match with the scopes set in gitlab OAuth provider',};};// Example values with no base URL. Trailing and ending slashes are optional.if(typeofwindow!=='undefined'){window.env={REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT:'prod',REACT_APP_URL:'',REACT_APP_URL_BASENAME:'',REACT_APP_URL_DTLINK:'/lab',REACT_APP_URL_LIBLINK:'',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VNCDESKTOP:'/tools/vnc/?password=vncpassword',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VSCODE:'/tools/vscode/',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERLAB:'/lab',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERNOTEBOOK:'',REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID:'934b98f03f1b6f743832b2840bf7cccaed93c3bfe579093dd0942a433691ccc0',REACT_APP_AUTH_AUTHORITY:'',REACT_APP_REDIRECT_URI:'',REACT_APP_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI:'',REACT_APP_GITLAB_SCOPES:'openid profile read_user read_repository api',};};// Example values with "bar" as basename URL.//Trailing and ending slashes are optional.if(typeofwindow!=='undefined'){window.env={REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT:"dev",REACT_APP_URL:'',REACT_APP_URL_BASENAME:'bar',REACT_APP_URL_DTLINK:'/lab',REACT_APP_URL_LIBLINK:'',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VNCDESKTOP:'/tools/vnc/?password=vncpassword',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_VSCODE:'/tools/vscode/',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERLAB:'/lab',REACT_APP_WORKBENCHLINK_JUPYTERNOTEBOOK:'',REACT_APP_CLIENT_ID:'934b98f03f1b6f743832b2840bf7cccaed93c3bfe579093dd0942a433691ccc0',REACT_APP_AUTH_AUTHORITY:'',REACT_APP_REDIRECT_URI:'',REACT_APP_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URI:'',REACT_APP_GITLAB_SCOPES:'openid profile read_user read_repository api',};};
Copy the entire contents of the build folder to the root directory of your
server where you want to deploy the app. You can use FTP, SFTP, or any
other file transfer protocol to transfer the files.
Make sure your server is configured to serve static files. This can vary
depending on the server technology you are using, but typically you will
need to configure your server to serve files from a specific directory.
Once the files are on your server, you should be able to access your app
by visiting your server's IP address or domain name in a web browser.
The website depends on Traefik gateway and ML Workspace
components to be available. Otherwise, you only get a skeleton non-functional website.
Complementary Components
The website requires background services for providing actual functionality.
The minimum background service required is atleast
one ML Workspace
serving the following routes.
The username is the user workspace created using ML Workspace docker container.
Please follow the instructions in
You can create as many user workspaces as you want.
If you have two users - alice and bob - on your system,
then the following the commands in will instantiate the required user workspaces.
printf"\n\n start the user workspaces"dockerrun-d\-p8090:8080\--name"ml-workspace-alice"\-v"$(pwd)/files/alice:/workspace"\-v"$(pwd)/files/common:/workspace/common"\--envAUTHENTICATE_VIA_JUPYTER=""\--envWORKSPACE_BASE_URL="alice"\--shm-size512m\--restartalways\mltooling/ml-workspace-minimal:0.13.2
Given that multiple services are running at different routes,
a reverse proxy is needed to map the background services to external routes.
You can use Apache, NGINX, Traefik or any other software to work
as reverse proxy.
The website screenshots and usage information is available in
user page.