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Third-party Services

The DTaaS software platform uses third-party software services to provide enhanced value to users.

InfluxDB, Grafana, RabbitMQ and Mosquitto are default services integrated into the DTaaS software platform.


All these services run on raw TCP/UDP ports. Thus a direct network access to these services is required for both the DTs running inside the DTaaS software and the PT located outside the DTaaS software.

There are two possible choices here:

  • Configure Traefik gateway to permit TCP/UDP traffic
  • Bypass Traefik altogether

Unless you are an informed user of Traefik, we recommend bypassing traefik and provide raw TCP/UDP access to these services from the Internet.

The InfluxDB service requires a dedicated hostname. The management interface of RabbitMQ service requires a dedicated hostname as well.

Grafana service can run well behind Traefik gateway. The default Traefik configuration makes permits access to Grafana at URL: http(s):

Configure and Install

If you have not cloned the DTaaS git repository, cloning would be the first step. In case you already have the codebase, you can skip the cloning step. To clone, do:

git clone
git checkout release-v0.4
cd DTaaS/deploy/services

The next step in installation is to specify the config of the services. There are two configuration files. The services.yml contains most of configuration settings. The mqtt-default.conf file contains the MQTT listening port. Update these two config files before proceeding with the installation of the services.

Now continue with the installation of services.

yarn install
node services.js


After the installation is complete, you can see the following services active at the following ports / URLs.

service external url
RabbitMQ Broker
RabbitMQ Broker Management Website
MQTT Broker
MongoDB database

The firewall and network access settings of corporate / cloud network need to be configured to allow external access to the services. Otherwise the users of DTaaS will not be able to utilize these services from their user workspaces.