IMPORTANT: This bundle is only intended for use by the INTO-CPS consortium members and contains software that requires you to own a valid license!
The release documentation, and tool descriptions and guides can be found at the INTO-CPS Release Site:
##Wrong SysML profile included in 0.0.2 By mistake version 1.0.03 of the OpenModelio SysML profile was included instead of the newest 1.0.09. Version 1.0.09 can be downloaded here:
##This bundle includes:
fmu-examples (folder): The cross-platform test FMUs.
20sim.exe: 20-sim modeling and simulation tool
20sim4C.exe: 20-sim 4C tool for rapid prototyping for control engineers. Entire toolchain for RT-Tester and the RT-Tester UI. Installation instructions can be found in the README inside the zip-file.
coe-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar: Latest version of COE
INTOCPS_1.0.03.jmdac: Modelio FMU export module.
modelio-open-201509161706-win32.win32.x86: Latest version of OpenModelio (UML/BPMN modelling tool).
OpenModelica-v1.9.4-dev-356-g6d87aeb.exe: Latest nightly build of OpenModelica. A Modelica-based modelling and simulation tool. Latest version of the Overture tool. A tool for modelling control systems using The Vienna Development Method (VDM).
RELEASE_NOTES.txt: This text file. The latest version of the VDM Tool Wrapper.