Co-Simulation using FMI


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Regarding anti-virus warning:

You might experience that your anti-virus software detects COE as a possible threat. This is just a false postive and a known issue with modern anti-virus software. You can read more about it and how to resolve the issue here.

COE requires write access to the installation directory

COE requires access rights to the directory where it is running, as it creates a log file next to the executable when launched.

Starting the COE:

  1. Download the coe, we call it coe.jar
  2. Start the COE
java -jar coe.jar

This will print:

Now running on port 8082
Hit Enter to stop.

Obtaining the API documentation

The COE responds to http so simply fetch the API documentation by:

curl -o api.pdf http://localhost:8082/api/pdf

Now the file api.pdf should be avaliable.

For convenience the latest documentation can also be found here