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Add User

This page provides steps to adding a user from a DTaaS installation. The username alice is used here to illustrate the steps involved in removing a user account.

Please do the following:

1. Add user to Gitlab instance:

Add a new account for the new user on the Gitlab instance. Note the username and email of the new account.

2. Create User Workspace:

Use the DTaaS CLI to bring up the workspaces for new users. This brings up the containers, without the backend authorization.

3. Add backend authorization for the user:

  • Go to the docker directory
cd <DTaaS>/docker
  • Add three lines to the conf.server file
rule.onlyu3.whitelist =

4. Restart the docker container responsible for backend authorization.

docker compose -f compose.server.yml --env-file .env up -d --force-recreate traefik-forward-auth

5. The new users are now added to the DTaaS instance, with authorization enabled.