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Independent Packages

The DTaaS development team publishes reusable packages which are then put together to form the complete DTaaS application.

The packages are published on github, npmjs, and docker hub repositories.

The packages on github are published more frequently but are not user tested. The packages on npmjs and docker hub are published at least once per release. The regular users are encouraged to use the packages from npm and docker hub.

A brief explanation of the packages is given below.

Package Name Description Documentation for Availability
dtaas-web React web application Not useful as standalone package docker hub and github
libms Library microservice npm package npmjs and github
container image docker hub and github
runner REST API wrapper for multiple scripts/programs npm package npmjs and github
ml-workspace-minimal (fork of ml-workspace) User workspace not available docker hub. Please note that this package is highly experimental and only v0.15.0-b2 is usable now.