DTaaS for Users
User Guide
This guide is for users of the DTaaS platform. Please make sure that you have access to a live installation of the DTaaS platform. The easiest is localhost installation scenario.
Please see user-specific Slides and Video to get the conceptual framework behind composable digital twins in the DTaaS platform.
How can DT software platforms enable users collaborate to:
- Build digital twins (DTs)
- Use DTs themselves
- Share DTs with other users
- Provide the existing DTs as Service to other users
In addition, how can the DT software platforms:
- Support DT lifecycle
- Scale up rather than scale down (flexible convention over configuration)
Existing Approaches
There are quite a few solutions proposed in the recent past to solve this problem. Some of them are:
- Focus on data from Physical Twins (PTs) to perform analysis, diagnosis, planning etc…
- Share DT assets across the upstream, downstream etc….
- Evaluate different models of PT
- DevOps for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)
- Scale DT / execution of DT / ensemble of related DTs
- Support for PT product lifecycle
Our Approach
- Support for transition from existing workflows to DT frameworks
- Create DTs from reusable assets
- Enable users to share DT assets
- Offer DTs as a Service
- Integrate the DTs with external software systems
- Separate configurations of independent DT components